Acts 5

Posted by Derrick on 23:13
An interesting chapter this one. I don't like the opening. It is dark and difficult to explain.

One point that did make me think was this one

Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings! Act 5:29

What a way to stand up for our faith. I wish I was much more like these two!

Also this point

They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. Act 5:40-42

Such an inspiration


Happy New Year Christians (!)

Posted by Derrick on 20:56
Here is an interesting  annoying article from Newsweek.


It is yet again an attack in the mainstream media on Christianity. Please don't think that this is another whinging 'woe is me' post about how all Christians are persecuted. I don't feel persecuted. I do feel got at though. Constantly I here that Christianity is based on lies, Christianity is based on a flawed understanding of the Bible etc. Well, I disagree

The truth is that this article is full of shoddy research, obfuscation and downright lies. The passage about the woman caught in adultery isn't from the earliest documents? No way! Oh, wait a second, every single bible I own acknowledges that fact!. Same for the end of Mark's gospel. There is a pathetic point about the use of 'John answered' in Luke 3:16. If you read Luke 3:15, it is clear that there is a question there.

This sort of thing annoys me. I am not a hate filled, ill educated know nothing. I don't reject everything that is not mentioned in the Bible. I don't pick and choose the verses that I follow of use. I don't follow verses at all. I follow scripture in its entirety.

You see, I am an evangelical fundamentalist. That means I am part of the evangelical tradition and I believe in the fundamentals of the Christian Faith.

1: The divinity of Christ - Jesus Christ is and always will be God
2: The Virgin Birth - Not a problem for me to be believe in, certainly not something too difficult for God to do
3: The blood atonement of Christ - Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Wonderful news
4: The bodily resurrection of Jesus - Jesus was raised bodily from the grave and He lives today.
5: The inerrancy of Scripture - In what it touches and in what it teaches, the Bible is always right.

I am proud of these beliefs and I will stand by them. Holding them does not make me into the horrid beings that the author of the article describes. In fact, I don't think I have ever met someone like that. Someone so intolerant and abusive. A couple of atheists that I have met have been close to it mind you ...


Acts 3 and 4

Posted by Derrick on 23:25
Been reading again tonight and once more there are two interesting points that came to me.

Firstly, the abundance of times the apostles mention the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead. I grow weary of the times I am told by atheists that the Bible never says that the tomb was empty. Surely nobody who read Acts properly could possibly think this.

Secondly, I thought that the conversation between the Sanhedrin and Peter and John was interesting. They were told to stop preaching in public. Today many pastors are told not to preach in public. Nothing ever changes. There will always be opposition and there will always be Jesus. I know which side wins ...


Reading plan

Posted by Derrick on 14:17
My beautiful wife bought me a new Bible for Christmas. It is a proclamation Bible, meant to help me prepare sermons and other things like that. It certainly looks like it will do that.

Yesterday I started a reading plan with it. Nothing special, I am simply reading through the book of Acts. I hope to read at least one chapter a day. Yesterday was interesting. I remember being struck by a couple of verses:

Acts 1:15 - it says that the believers numbered about 120. Now I know this was a small number but it certainly opens my eyes to more than just the 11 apostles. It is nice when the Bible is this detailed in what it says.

Acts 1:21 - apparently it was necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us. Is this the correct translation? What does it mean for the position of women? Can they be apostles? Is it limited to simply that position or to others? I shall spend some time thinking about it.


My testimony

Posted by Derrick on 21:37
Yesterday, I was leading church as our pastor was away. I was wondering what to say at the beginning and I thought that I would share my testimony. I think that is what God wanted me to do; so I did.

I had, surprisingly, never shared my whole testimony in church. I don't know why, maybe it is because up until this year, I haven't been in a church like this one. Anyway, never mind, I shall share it here.

I was not brought up in a Christian household. I don't mean to say that my family were atheist or pagans but church (or chapel of course, we are Welsh after all) were not a part of my life.

Looking back, God was always there. I remember a mission coming to the local URC and really liking what they were doing. They had a song that went to the theme tune of MOTD. what's not to like! I also had some friends who were in the Salvation Army and I went to one of their big meetings once, really felt like I wanted to commit but it never panned out.

It wasn't really until uni that I became interested in church. A friend invited me along to the local Anglican church and I was hooked. It was a lively, entertaining, loving church (I recommend it to you if you are ever in Aberystwyth; have a look at their website http://stmikes.org.uk/) and I wanted to learn more. I did two Alpha courses (free food!) and eventually became convinced in my head that all this stuff I had learned about Jesus and the church was correct. On the 17th of February in 1998, a dear friend of mine told me that I needed to make a choice. I needed to decide if I wanted to commit to a life following Jesus. I said yes and that was the best day of my life.

I spent some time serving the Lord (and visitors) to Israel in 1999 after I failed to get a teaching job. Later that year, I got my first job in London and moved to the South East. I met someone and we got married. It didn't last long and she left me for someone else. During the marriage, I had fallen away for a while but I went back to church after she left and that was undoubtedly the best thing to do.

I was in a difficult state but I again found a lovely church to visit and I found some Godly people there to help me through it. I was given the opportunity to go to Spring Harvest and I thought that this would get me right with God. However, on the first night there, it just wasn't making sense. I excused myself from the big top and went for a walk on the beach to see if God was really there. Well, it didn't seem like he was.

I went back into Butlins and went to the loo. There I slammed my Bible down on the side and a piece of paper popped out. On it was a Bible verse. Psalm 34:8. I thought that I would indeed taste and see and boy was the Lord good.

Later in the week at Spring Harvest, during a tough session, I finally got to terms with everything. I forgave myself and others for what had happened and felt the Holy Spirit come and comfort me. It was a real change and it made all the difference..

Since that day, I can say with all my heart that I have never doubted God's existence or love for me. I am not perfect, I am far from it, but I am getting there through the Grace that flows so abundantly from the God who has been in my life for far longer than I noticed!



Posted by Derrick on 21:20
It has been a difficult year for church. We lost our wonderful pastor to a hideous disease earlier in the year. he had been ill for a little while and there was a plan to transition to our new pastor slowly. this plan wasn't God's it seems. He wanted to take John to be in heaven with him and I can't blame him on little bit! What a truly Christian man he was. I only knew him for a few months but was wonderfully blessed with every conversation.

Our new pastor wanted a small group of people to help as a sort of transition team or leadership team. He asked me and my wife to join him in that group alongside a very Godly couple. It is a wonderful privilege and I think that God will really use us and I hope and pray that I can play a tiny part in his plan.

I have done some leading of the church and I have done some preaching too. I am not preaching for a little while because the baby is on the way but I do think that this is something that God wants me to do more of.

The people at church have been fantastic. They are so loving and so wonderful. Just today one of them told how her painful legs have been healed by God! Such wonderful news!



Posted by Derrick on 20:53
Well, here we are. Christmas gone and there is a lot to update on. My wonderful wife and I are expecting another child soon. Our son is due to be born on the 25th of January 2015. Our daughter is very excited. She is having a great time (despite a broken arm earlier in the autumn!). Work is brilliant. I can't believe that it is two whole years since I left godforsaken awful place. I truly am so grateful to God for what I have received in terms of work and better quality of life. I intend to write a short post about church soon so I won't say too much about that here. Anyway, lots to look forward to in the New Year. Almost forgot, I have tickets to see Wales beat Scotland in the Six Nations! God really is good...


Fear and worry

Posted by Derrick on 09:04
Once more it has been a difficult time to be blogging. Church has been great. Well, not completely. we lost our pastor to illness recently and that was difficult. There is a new team that are hoping to keep going with what God is doing but it is always difficult. I have been doing some preaching lately and I hope to be able to post some of the sermons online in a bit. The main problem I have had recently is a silly worry over something in the news. It has really gripped me and I am trying to pray through it. Maybe the enemy is getting at me, I don't know. I just know that I should feel a total trust and reliance on God and his promises. Problem is though, I don't! Is it always wrong to have doubts and to not trust 100%? I shall have to investigate. Anyway, work beckons.


Something else to think upon

Posted by Derrick on 14:48
Got to the end of another book by the excellent Nick Page the other day. It was his book entitled Kingdom of Fools. I was very impressed by the ending and I think I shall do some writing based on it shortly.


The King of Kings

Posted by Derrick on 10:43
This is a little piece that has been inside me for many years. I gave it once, in a much shorter and much less thought-out version, to a group of young and eager Christians in the Holy Land. It caused my first experience in Christians pointing out in a friendly way that I might be wrong. For some reason, the criticism that I was handed that evening was difficult to cope with and has stayed with me since but I think I have gotten over it now (after all, 15 years should be enough time!)

The idea struck me during a worship time. There we were, in the late 1990’s singing some wonderful songs and I found myself wondering about the words. Several of them were suggesting that god was our King and I began to question what it is that this term means. We all know that we have a Queen in the UK but I wonder how many Christians have ever stopped to think what it means to have the celestial King Himself ruling our lives in this very world. Another thing that helped put this talk into my head was what I had recently finished studying. My degree was in history but I specifically wanted to focus on medieval history and the history of the church. I came across many kings in my studies and I wondered how they compared to God. Was there a standard that Kings were supposed to follow? What was a King for? I knew that I was more likely to find any answers in the medieval period, when Kings were Kings and their subjects knew it well. I wondered what the Bible said about it and I wondered what the ideals were going to be in Scripture. Before I start, I would like to get a couple of things out of the way. Firstly, the medieval Kings were often merely Primus inter Pares or First among Equals. God is not that, nor has he ever been. There is no other name that can claim his majesty and sovereignty. Secondly, I know that God didn’t want the Israelites to have a King. We see in the First book of Samuel what God feels when his people ask for a King

When Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons as Israel’s leaders. The name of his firstborn was Joel and the name of his second was Abijah, and they served at Beersheba. But his sons did not follow his ways. They turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice. So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.” 1Sa 8:1-10 God felt rejected, this was his job and the Israelites were to be warned. What I am going to try and do is look at what shadows of God we can see in our understanding of kingship. Thirdly, I am not about to discuss the ideas of worldly obedience. That is not my intention. I don’t want people to hear this and think that they need to be more obedient.

Now that those points are out of the way, let’s begin. At the very heart of good Kingship is a relationship. It is a relationship between the King and his people. Within this relationship each side agrees to accept responsibilities whilst holding on to their rights. (This was the most contentious point when I first looked at this topic, I used to call them obligations but it was pointed out to me that God has no obligations).

Starting with the king. He makes the following promises in his oath to govern. He promises to lead his people, to legislate for their protection, safety and welfare. He also promises to love his people. It is with these promises that the King sets out to make the lives of his subjects as happy and as wonderful as they can be.

The great kings of the high Middle Ages most definitely led their people. They led them into battles and through trials and tribulations. This was something that they took on wholeheartedly. Even though there were probably selfish motives in their actions, their leadership was undeniable. God makes the same promise and even more wholeheartedly. There are, of course, many examples of his physical leadership as well as more metaphorical ones. He led the Israelites through the desert and he leads people today. It isn’t his fault that too few people follow him (more on that later). It is important to realise that when God leads he does so in many different ways. This was the same with medieval kings. Sometimes they led on their chargers as their army met that of another king. At other times, they stood at the back and directed their troops into action. Still more, kings would delegate authority. This was done for one of two reasons; firstly because the King couldn’t be everywhere at one time and secondly, to allow others to grow in experience and knowledge. Now, God can be everywhere at once so that is not his reason for delegating but delegate he does. He will often lead through others and it is good to know that this could be anyone. (I plan a future piece about this so keep your eyes posted!)

Secondly, the king was the law. What he said was the law. From Hammurabi in ancient Babylon though Hywel Dda in medieval Wales, the Great Kings all have their law codes. Today we see the Royal Courts of Justice and Queen’s Counsellors and we see Rex V whomever in legal cases. IT may be a poor shadow of the past but our justice system is rooted in the power of the queen. Whilst the Queen sits on no bench of justice but her judges swear their loyalty to her and to her justice. God is no shadow giver of justice. He has given laws and he sits on the bench ready to judge. I really do not want to get bogged down in the minutiae of the legal codes as set out in the Bible (I have noticed that the most legalistic interpretations I have ever heard of these passages come from atheists attacking us, weird eh!).Better men than I have tried to sum up all the laws of God but nobody does it better than the Holy Spirit working through the writers of the Bible. Here is the beautiful verse written by Micah

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 Here is the interaction between Christ and an expert in the Law from the Gospel of St. Luke

On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’” “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” Luke 10:25-29 Thus, I don’t feel the need to spend too long defining laws and explaining them. Rather I would like to talk about the purpose of the law. The Law as set out by God (and to a lesser extent in the human world) is about Love. Loving God and loving your neighbour. The laws that God provided are meant to protect us but also they are a continuation of God’s leadership. Such laws that come from God shine a light on the correct path to follow, the path that God is leading us down. The laws are what God wants us to do because it is what he does. There has been much debate of late as to whether or not Britain is a Christian nation. I personally think not. However, one cannot help but see the influence of Christianity on our laws and our society. The laws of Britain shine out with the concepts of fairness, justice and mercy shown in Scripture. Yes there are more and more unjust (in terms of our faith) creeping in to modern Britain but we cannot deny the influence of the church.

God is the ultimate source of law. When he is taken out of the law then things go bad quickly. When I was a young Christian, I went with a large group from church to Spring Harvest in Skegness. The theme that year was the 10 Commandments. I was very impressed with what I heard. Particularly with one anecdote from an American Prison. The governor, it turns out, had been challenged in Chapel about them. He decided that from the next day, none other than do not kill would be enforced in his prison. Within a week, the prisoners were begging to have them put back in place! After all, as Dostoevsky says ‘If there is no God, then all is permissable’. The fact that the law is about protection, and well-being, it leads nicely into the third aspect of the role of the King. They were meant to love their people. This was the one that many of them got wrong. Most medieval kings loved themselves more than their people. Their love of position, power and prestige was greater. Examples are hard to find. Richard the Lionheart loved his people so much he hardly visited England. Henry VIII was a great lover of women but not his people. Even into the modern world, Queen Victoria, the most beloved of Nineteenth Century monarchs was warned that her continued seclusion and abandonment of her people would cost her the crown. Our current Queen’s father was cut from a different cloth. He and his wife clearly saw their position as a duty to be carried out and they loved their people through the darkest of times. The Queen readily admits that she loves her people. She knows her duty is from God and she goes about it willingly and with a smile on her face.

This bit was easy when it comes to finding examples of God loving his people. The Bible is a great love story and is full of examples of God loving his people. The greatest of these is captured in John’s marvellous gospel. I remember as a child, asking my dad what all those signs saying John 3:16 were at sporting events and big gatherings (is it me or do they seem to have disappeared from the modern world?). Now, my dad wasn’t (still isn’t, so please pray) a Christian but he knew that it was a Bible verse. The words he used were actually from Genesis 9:7! We know what it actually says. God loved the earth so much he gave his only son. Later in John Jesus tells us that there is no greater love than that of a man prepared to lay down his life for his friends. Jesus did exactly that. God undoubtedly loved, does love and will love us. This is what colours all aspects of his Kingship. The vital difference between him and the earthly kings we have had, this is no obligation or responsibility, and it is his very nature. God can do nothing else and this is a remarkable thing.

So God leads us, he legislates for us and boy does he love us. What does he get from it? Perhaps it would be less depressing to think about what he is supposed to get from it. For sure he does not get enough out of the relationship with his subjects as He should.

Returning to the earthly kingdoms for a little while, it is easy to say what the Kings had a right to expect. When they led, their people were meant to follow. When they made the law, their people were meant to obey. When they loved their people, they were meant to worship their king and show love back. Following is difficult as a Christian. We know this. The King may lead us into battles and we need to be prepared to fight. We don’t have a choice about this. We don’t pick the battles, the King does. This is an important point to remember. If God says we need to fight the encroachment of secular values on our lives, we need to fight. When he says that we need to make a stand, we need to make a stand. He never changes. Malachi 3:6 tells us this. If he does not change, what right have we to change what He tells us? I know that this is difficult and sometimes we don’t want to fight the world. We might disagree with God (we are only human after all) but we need to be aware that it is our obligation and we should realise what this disobedience it. It is sin. Plain and simple.

Thankfully, God does not just lead us into battle. If we were to focus our eyes on him, we would see that all too often he wants to lead us to pastures new, even when it means going through the valley of the shadow of death. This is what it means to follow. God will show us the path and will lead us in the right way, we just need to ensure that we try to follow. Scripture is littered with the examples of people who went their own way. Eventually, these stories all have one thing in common. They all end with God. We would do well to remember that all things will end with God and that ultimately His way is the best way.

Where to even start with obeying the law. The Lord wants us to obey his laws. They are for our own good and our own protection after all. They are not there to ensure that we pander to the whims of some fella in the sky. The problem is, well one of the problems at least, that there are so many laws. I cannot remember all of them. Some of them are vague and some of them are frighteningly specific. Even those well-known ones such as the commandment not to kill are totally turned on their heads by Jesus. I think that the best policy is to look to the summaries of the law that I mentioned earlier and to try my best. Yes, I will fail. Yes I will break some laws (many of them) but I know that it is ok because the Lord is nothing if not just and merciful. I have done and continue to throw myself on his mercy. As King, it is in his hands to distribute justice and I have no right to expect mercy. Thankfully, the great kings of our past were often the most merciful and just (Solomon anyone?) and they were a pale imitation of our true king. He will be merciful. I hope he will at least.

Do we love God? It is fashionable these days to be an atheist. If you are a deist, then you should at least be a pluralist. You should accept that all faiths have merit and that all paths to a god are equally meritorious. This is patent and absurd nonsense. You cannot have more than one religion being true. Islam says God is one. Christianity says he is triune. Both of these cannot be true at one and the same time. Neither can the Buddhist who believes there is no god be the same as the Jew who worships the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. What is unique about Christianity (apart from its nature as the truth) is that with our God, there is the possibility of relationship. He wants us to seek him, find him and once we have found him, to fall in love with Him. He doesn’t force us to love him, he is just so loveable. Now, this should be easy but we are too easily distracted from Him. We love other things and this means we don’t have all our heart to give to him. Sometimes we put these things above him and this clouds our view. Suffice it to say, God does not get the love He deserves from us.

Thus, we do not fulfil our responsibilities to God. We get everything from him. He provides for our safety, he leads us in the right path and he loves us. We frequently go astray and we don’t love him as much as we should. This must, at the very least, be incredibly painful to Him. At worst, it is something that the earthly kings understood all too well. It is the ultimate crime. Disobeying the king, not fighting when commanded, ignoring the law and showing a lack of respect was treason. In the modern world, treason is mostly forgotten. God doesn’t forget. He knows that we are guilty of treason. The punishment for treason is death.

We deserve to die. There is no doubt about it. Thankfully, there is another aspect of Kingship that I have left out of this talk. History is replete with Kings who disguise themselves and go out among their people to see what life is like. Shakespeare wrote of it beautifully in Henry V and there are many other examples. It is something God did too. He disguised himself and came down to see what life was like for his subjects.

I adore the Christmas story and I am always moved by a small comment I once heard.

He could have been born in a palace. He could have had the kings of the earth round his golden crib. He could have had choirs of angels proclaiming to the world the birth of a god and he could have had an army of guards to ensure his eternal safety. He was born in a stable, with a few animals and some locals as visitors. He knew no security or wealth. He knew no power or riches. He knew life as a normal, tiny, scared and poor human.

God, as Jesus, came and found out what life was like. He found out how difficult we have it (no matter who creates the difficulties). He spent time tired, scared, hungry and alone. Of all the kings of history, none but God truly knew the lives of his people. This was a magnificent thing. God, in knowing why we failed, poured out his mercy on his people. Christ is unique among all the religious founders and objects of worship. He is God and man. He knows exactly what we are like and he is fully King and fully Subject. His relationship with God is perfect and is something that should be followed.

The problem was, however, that we were still traitors. It may or may not have been our fault but nonetheless we deserved punishment. God had a plan to get around this though. Earthly kings faced rebellions often and every rebel was a traitor. They didn’t all die. Often, a token number faced the penalty in the stead of all. This is exactly what God did. He needed to punish us for our sins. He couldn’t simply ignore them; that would mean him not being God. It would mean us having no consequences for our actions and thus no free will. It was at this point that one human stepped up and took the punishment. Jesus went, willingly, in the place of everyone else. I am sure that we have all seen the scene from the end of Spartacus where the slaves are asked to hand over their leader to the authorities; many of them choose to die instead of him. Well, that is what Jesus did. He stood and said ‘I’m Derrick’, ‘I’m Jessica’, and ‘I’m John’. He took our punishment so that we didn’t have to. God was satisfied with this. In the past, Kings would pardon large numbers of people after the token punishment and God has done the same. All he requires for us to receive this free pardon is for us to take it. He is holding it out to us. Once we have accepted that we need the pardon, all we need do is approach the outstretched hands of God and take it from Him. (Update - December 2014. This formed the basis of my most recent talk in church. I tried something different with it, I didn't plan it out to within an inch of its life. I followed what I thought God wanted to say. Unusual for me that!)


It has been a long time

Posted by Derrick on 10:41
Sorry. Been really busy with work and stuff to post. Things haven't been too bad to be honest. Life here in the Highlands is amazing. Even after more than a year, I am still awestruck at times by the sheer beauty of this palce. Just this morning, I stopped dead in my tracks to look at the Ben. It was magnificent. Church is also great. Going much more regularly, back to reading my Bible more. The wife and I talk more about our faith and we have done more praying recently. Well, let's see what I can come up with eh...

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