Be Thou My Vision

Posted by Derrick on 09:22
Here is another song that I simply adore listening to. The lyrics are amazing and I think that they really do speak to me out of the ages. The simplicity of their message is wonderful but as you can see with this version from Robin Mark, there is a modern place for it


Sung praise and worship

Posted by Derrick on 15:12
I shall start to publish a list of songs that I am enjoying listening to at the minute. Here is one by Chris Tomlin called God of this City

I enjoy the song a lot. It makes me think about how God is indeed Lord but it gives me a sense that there is more to do. It is something that makes me think about the ways in which we need to be more missional.



Posted by Derrick on 15:08
I have been praying a little more lately, not as often as I should but more than I had done for a while. DW (Darling Wife) and I are praying again together but it seems to be when we need things. I wonder if god truly does mind.

The shopping list thing is difficult at times for me as I find the urge to pray when I need something or someone is ill. Dad was ill yesterday as was DW who needed some urgent attention to her foot. A friend of ours is very ill and we are praying for him. In fact I shall break for a moment. Just prayed for him again.

I have yet to find a satisfactory way of praying. A way that is satisfactory to me that is.

I've tried ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication, for those who've never done the Alpha Course) and I've tried teaspoon (TSP - Thank You, Sorry, Please). I have even tried what Jesus suggested (how innovative) when he talks about prayer in the gospels. I cannot seem to get into a regular pattern.

I wonder how people would view me if I were to try the rosary. I mentioned this the other day to a wonderfully ardent Christian young lady who practically threw the bible at me for suggesting such a thing. Yet, I do not know. My worship of God is sadly lacking in terms of experiences that could be described as Catholic. I have never worshipped in a Catholic service and I think perhaps I should.

Would that prayer was as easy as it appears with other faiths. Are Muslims more ardent or is organised corporate prayer the way to go?

I guess I shall have to pray on it!

Malachi 3:6 was helpful today when I was praying for my sick friend. The God who loved him yesterday will do so tomorrow and does so today. Wonderfully enough, I was listening to Yesterday, Today and Forever by Vicky Beeching when I finished that prayer.


Same Sex Marriage

Posted by Derrick on 10:34
I suppose the time has come to address this issue. It is very much in the news today and the internet has basically exploded in Britain. The Church of England has set out its response to the government's 'consultation' (the inverted commas will be explained in a minute). Predictably they have said that marriage should be between one man and one woman and this is flying in the face of all intelligent opinion (source BBC, Guardian, Independent et al)and they are being bigoted and homophobic.

Now, I do not have a massive opinion on this and quite frankly, I don't think it is that important. The gospels don't cover it and I genuinely think that homosexuality is no more an important issue to the church than any other social issue. However, I do think that marriage is important. I do think that it should be between one man and one woman. Aware, as I am, of the hypocrisy of this coming from me, I know that this is the ideal that God has set out and we should try to live up to it.

I honestly have no problem with gay men and women being in a committed relationship and I wish them well. It is not something that I would do but who am I to judge? What really makes me think though is that they already have all the legal rights of marriage so why change the law. Moreover the government is calling this a consultation but they are not asking for opinions about if we should change the law. Rather it is about how to change the law. This I suppose is the crux of my opposition. If they were asking people whether to change the law or not I might be happier.

I think the church is missing a trick here. We need to show love to all people. We need to show people that we are no better than them and this is an issue that needs to be dealt with kindly and gently.

Nothing has hurt me more as a Christian than someone saying 'I can't become a Christian because you hate gay people and I have gay friends'. What witness had she had? I think it is atrocious that people who are gay feel that we hate them. I don't. I have an ideal that I think we should live up to but that is something I might be wrong on.

I shall think some more and maybe blog about it later.

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