The supremacy of Christ

Posted by Derrick on 12:49
I am about to do something dangerous. Well, not dangerous per se but something that could land me in hot water with many people. I am about to make a claim that could, in some circumstances, be seen as extremist and intolerant.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way by which we can reach heaven. All other faiths and religions are wrong and will not allow us into heaven. This teaching is Biblical and based on, alongside other verses, John 14:6 -  Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

You see, in the modern world, such a view is unpopular. I am supposed to be tolerant of other religions and accept that they are as true as mine. I can't. They're not.

I remember years ago when I was teaching an RE lesson, I had to read through the poem 'The blind men and the elephant' where six blind men feel different parts of an elephant and declare it to be something else. One feels the tusk and says it's like a spear. One feels the leg and says it's like a tree. You get the picture.

The problem is, there are seven men in the poem. There's the poet too. he can see the whole elephant and knows it's and elephant. 

The moral of it is, apparently, that truth depends on our point of view. That's rubbish. What is true is true no matter what way I look at it. 

To be a Christian who says that there is only one God and his name is Jesus is the truth and I will never stop saying it.

Many people claim that all religions lead to God. That is simply not true and is impossible. Take Buddhism for example. They say there is no God. How does that lead to the same place as Christians who claim there is? Muslims say their God is one. Christians say theirs is Triune. How can they be the same?

As we, in the West, move further and further down the line of secularism and vociferous atheism; as we acquiesce in the demands of 'tolerance of all faiths' Christians need to remember that the truth is that Jesus is the light of the world and the only way to Heaven.

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