Hiding our faith

Posted by Derrick on 11:51
On twitter the other day, I came across this story


I was very surprised to say the least. now, as I expected, it is a little hyperbolic and nobody seems to be able to point to actual evidence that vicars have been warned about not wearing dog collars, but it got me thinking.

After the dreadful attack by those muslim terrorists on the priest in France, there was understandable concern. The problem is though, that the gospel commands us to be a bright city on a hill. We don't have a choice and we cannot stay silent.

As someone who has had a call from God to be a priest I suspect most dog collar wearing vicars would ignore such advice and go about their days doing what God has called them to do. The same goes for us who are not priests. There should be no shame in being a believer in Christ. There should be no question of us closing our doors to people to keep the body of Christ safe.

Christianity is not safe, ask our brothers and sisters in North Korea! Of course we need to take precautions but when the worshipers of a false god come and ask if we are Christians, we should look them in the eye and say that yes we are.

Denial of who we are in Christ is the worst thing we can do sometimes. That includes in the face of murderers as well as in more 'normal' circumstances. Day to day interactions with others may not make us a martyr but when someone asks what we did at the weekend, how often is 'went to church' the answer?

I am trying to do it more and more and I need the grace of God to help me but I really hope I can always proclaim, when asked, that I am a believer in the risen Jesus.


Sunday School

Posted by Derrick on 11:32
I am down to be doing Sunday School on Sunday (obviously) and am quite looking forward to it. We are starting a new series of lessons and I am pleased that we are getting things going. It will be our second week int he new building and I have to say I like the room for the Sunday school.

We are studying the books of the Bible and I need to find ways of helping the young people to learn the 39 books of the old testament. It doesn't sound like fun but hopefully I will be able to make it fun. Lots of colouring and gluing I think!


An update on how the Bible Reading is going

Posted by Derrick on 14:00
I thought I would give a little update on how my scripture reading is going. Day 245 of 2016 and I am still going strong. I hope, early next year, to be able to write at length about my experiences with a deeper understanding of scripture. Here, for now, is a list of the books I have made it through so far this year. I am so pleased that God has kept me going through these this year. Having finished most of the history of the Old Testament now, I am ready for a deeper understanding of the prophets. Today I started Isaiah, I am looking forward to it immensely 

  1. Genesis
  2. Exodus
  3. Leviticus
  4. Numbers
  5. Deuteronomy
  6. Joshua
  7. Judges
  8. Ruth
  9. 1 Samuel
  10. 2 Samuel
  11. 1 Kings
  12. 2 Kings
  13. 1 Chronicles
  14. 2 Chronicles
  15. Ezra
  16. Nehemiah
  17. Esther
  18. Job
  19. Psalms
  20. Proverbs
  21. Ecclesiastes
  22. Song of Solomon
  23. Isaiah
  24. Jeremiah
  25. Lamentations
  26. Ezekiel
  27. Daniel
  28. Hosea
  29. Joel
  30. Amos
  31. Obadiah
  32. Jonah
  33. Micah
  34. Nahum
  35. Habakkuk
  36. Zephaniah
  37. Haggai
  38. Zechariah
  39. Malachi

The New Testament

  1. Matthew
  2. Mark
  3. Luke
  4. John
  5. Acts (of the Apostles) Twice
  6. Romans Twice
  7. 1 CorinthiansTwice
  8. 2 Corinthians
  9. Galatians
  10. Ephesians
  11. Philippians
  12. Colossians
  13. 1 Thessalonians
  14. 2 Thessalonians
  15. 1 Timothy
  16. 2 Timothy
  17. Titus
  18. Philemon
  19. Hebrews
  20. James
  21. 1 Peter
  22. 2 Peter
  23. 1 John
  24. 2 John
  25. 3 John
  26. Jude
  27. Revelation


Another Tune that is amazing

Posted by Derrick on 13:29
A friend of ours put us onto a group called I Am They. This is one of their tracks that I love. Give them a listen, they're great



Posted by Derrick on 13:29
We had our first housegroup the other day and it was great. People were supposed to turn up at half seven but most of us were there (5 of the 6) by half six and we had the best time.

It was a remarkable time of fellowship. It was nice just getting to chat and spend time before our kids went to bed having fun, finishing cooking, setting out stuff etc. I also had time to indulge in a little light scripture reading.

We started with some communion. It had been decided that we needed to focus ourselves on this aspect of the biblical church. It really is something that the church has made into something it isn't. A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine, whose church is in interregnum, posted on facebook that they had only been able to have half a communion because the locum priest had not turned up! Ridiculous idea that Christians could not share bread and wine because someone with a dog collar had not blessed the wine.

We used homemade wine and a glass of grape juice. Plain, simple but very moving.

This was followed by a meal of spaghetti (miracle of miracles, I didn't cook too much!) followed by a luscious cheesecake.

We were not going to have a bible study as we just wanted some fellowship to start and we ended up chatting and laughing for ages whilst someone with a wonderful servant heart did the dishes (and didn't try to put them away either, which is a real blessing). The time for prayer. Lots to pray about and we entered into it with gusto.

Having said earlier in the evening that I was not often blessed with 'words' or 'pictures', the Lord in His wisdom decided to give me two! Once delivered, time for a little more chat and then people left; a lot later than planned.

What did we learn? We learned that each and every one of us is different. We, of course, knew this, but we delved more into each others backgrounds and learned so much more about what makes us tick.

We learned that studying the bible is great but that it is only one part of what a housegroup should be. It cements us together yes but it also should encourage us to seek out more people, to help bring light to the darkness and to show the unloved that there are places in the world where there is no judgement and there is nothing but love.

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