What I'm learning from daily Bible Readings

Posted by Derrick on 13:59

There seem to be three thoughts that are coming up again and again during my daily readings.

1: the Old Testament really does contain some harsh but beautiful passages. Psalms is growing on me again (not since I was reading to the kids in their mummy's tummy have I enjoyed psalms so much) but 1 and 2 Kings were hard work. That said, it has increased my understanding of God's frustration and also his patience with us.

2: the Old Testament really does foreshadow Jesus. Everywhere I look in it Jesus stands out from the pages. Not profound in itself, I like this point because it brings reassurance that everything is going to be ok. It means the Old Testament doesn't have to and cannot be discarded or disregarded. It isn't the story of a Monster, it's the story of love that will overcome the greatest of monsters.

3: familiarity does not breed contempt. Many of the passages I'm reading are familiar but there's always something new. Something exciting. Sometimes there's also something old that God reminds me of, something that made me smile or fall to my knees in the past. God really is good and amazing.

I didn't think I'd do it. I didn't think I'd get this far but here I am. Nearly 200 days in to reading the Bible in a year and I've not missed on. Even though I'm fairly familiar with what's coming up, I don't want to miss a day either. Can't wait to finish this year's reading and start again on January 1st.


Enjoying the summer

Posted by Derrick on 11:09

It's been two weeks since I broke up for the summer. So far, it's been great. Lots of time with the family and lots of things done. I'm reading, I'm getting on with my Bible Plan and I'm praying more.

It's strange considering that things outside my control aren't going well. I'm nervous about later in the summer and my mother in law has been ill and that's stopped us visiting. God has totally used us though in unexpected ways. I never cease to be amazed at what He does and with what.

I'm preaching next week and this time I feel ready. I know what I'm preaching on and I think it's a wonderful passage with lots to teach me and those who are listening  (hopefully).

As happy as I am with everything though I feel a great weight. The world is getting worse. Dreadful things are happening and I don't know what to feel about it. Men and women and children are desperately trying to escape war and torture and dying in the sea. Bombs are going off and now those scenes in Nice.

I know God is the answer. He is Love and what the world needs is Love. All I can do is say the simple prayer 'Come Lord Jesus'. I know it's enough ...

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