New Bible app

Posted by Derrick on 23:02

Been looking for a new Bible app for a while. Finally found the Youversion app. So far so very good. Has some nice reading plans (almost through my first of them) and seems to be fairly easy to use.

Not been able to use it offline yet but hopefully it will work.


Preaching on Sunday

Posted by Derrick on 17:30

Been asked to preach on Sunday because our Pastor has something else more necessary. I am relishing the challenge and think I am getting on top of the message (not written a word yet).

The passage I want to preach on is 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Been reading some more of the Tim Keller book on preaching and have found some great stuff in it that hopefully will help.

Please pray because as ok as I feel, the fact is it is an awesome responsibility and I know I'm far from perfect


For some reason this has resurfaced

Posted by Derrick on 22:38

I often read the website of the Independent newspaper, generally to decide what to blame Israel or the Jews for this week. Upon reading it yesterday, I spotted this

Atheists can get into heaven

Now, I was surprised to see it, not least because of the dodgy theology. It is from 2013, when the Pope was still the apple of the media's eye.

He is wrong of course. You cannot get into heaven without a knowledge and acceptance of one's position with God. If you don't believe in God, it has been my opinion for years, then you cannot get into heaven.

However, I have had to have a little rethink. You see, if what I have been taught is correct then nobody will have an excuse. Before the great separation of the sheep from the goats all will know that there is a God and all will see what He is like.

So, no atheist will get into heaven if they don't believe in God. All atheists will know that there is a God and that he is very very real.

What the Pope then says is that if they have a contrite heart and are genuinely sorry they will be allowed in to heaven. Is this true? Yes I would say that it is. God is loving and merciful. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell. People can go if they want to (that's a different post right there) but if they want to be forgiven they can.

Is this down to the Pope or to the reporting? I am not sure. Probably the reporting. It's hardly a secret that God will let anyone with a contrite heart into his kingdom after all. The media however would have it otherwise. Some people are beyond forgiveness they say; anyone who can forgive them is a monster and not a God. Hmmmm


Psalm 119

Posted by Derrick on 17:52
At the heart of the Bible lies the book of Psalms. I will freely admit that I am not a massive fan of psalms. I find them difficult to understand and don't often get a lot from them. This sounds awful and I don't mean it to but there you go. However, that being said, when God speaks to me through psalms, He really does. I remember when my wife was pregnant the first time I read the psalms to the baby in her belly. I was daunted when I got to this one but pushed on and read it in one go. Wow. Simply amazing. Here is a word cloud of it, I hope to edit this post later with some reflections on it ...


A little picture

Posted by Derrick on 17:44
Earlier in the year my wife and daughter were having their hair cut. My son was asleep and I was bored. I tried to play around with my new phone and the gravel that was lying around. After fishing through the fag ends and the general detritus, I was able to come up with this
Obviously, I added the words but I think it is a nice picture. In the midst of all that rubbish, I was able to find some beauty.


My favourite book.

Posted by Derrick on 17:30
I have often said that my favourite book in the whole Bible is Philippians. When in doubt, search it out. Written near the end of Paul's journey it is full of joy and hope. It is something that reminds me of the joy of being a Christian. I intend to read it again and have some good prayer times with it.

In the meantime, here is a word cloud of the whole book

Having just read chapter one. Wow. Paul is amazing. Here he is in prison and what a joyful man. Shines through with his love of his disciples. There is no arrogance or conceit. He wants to stay to help, he is prepared to put off glory. He knows that preaching the gospel is his only job and he knows that it matters not how or where he does it. He just needs to do it.

I found the first chapter very inspiring. I met with a humble Paul. A Paul who knows what he has done, knows what still needs doing and wants to get it done. Funnily enough, this part of the book (in my favourite Bible) has the least amount of scribblings and highlights. Perhaps I have done it a disservice in the past. I am happy to rectify this.


So very tired

Posted by Derrick on 17:17
Christmas has been good. Kids had a ball, wife was pleased with her gifts and I cooked an awesome dinner. I also had a dose of what felt like the flu and I am still a little run down. I am so tired but I am trying to get through it. Funny thing is, when I am so tired, I actually find it easier to connect to God. Maybe I am more open when I am out of the everything. At the end of me is the beginning of God? I wonder...

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