
Posted by Derrick on 10:01 in ,
I am going to be brutally honest here; I don't know what to make about prophesy. You see, this weekend at church someone is coming who preaches and gives words to the people in the congregation. Those who have seen him before put great store by the words he has given. I am not doubting that he is a good man, nor that he is in contact with God regularly (certainly more regularly than me) but in my experience the words that are given out are vague and could be adapted to fit many different situations. Surely God wants to communicate clearly to his people? Am I alone in thinking this? Perhaps God is trying to teach me something with these thoughts. I know He speaks to people. I have, in the past, been granted some wonderful visions and some words to share with people. I am so grateful when He does it but do we put too much store by vague pronouncements from 'prophets'? I won't be going to the service on Saturday night, that is for my lovely wife as I went to the Open Heaven meeting the other day plus she isn't having a Bible Study tonight as I have to stay late at work. I am sure she will enjoy it and will have lots to tell me. I will, however, get the opportunity to hear him speak at church on Sunday morning (provided the little lad is helpful enough to us and doesn't make me have to take him into a different room to play!) and I guess I am excited a little. The brutal honesty? What if he does speak directly to God. What if God points out my sins! You know those moments, when God actually seems real... I know he is real but sometimes he has a habit of making himself more real just when I least expect it.

Posted by Derrick on 12:50 in
This week, I have been re-reading The Longest Week, by Nick Page. It really is an excellent book. What has really stood out for me this week has been the story of Lazarus. Now, I know that technically it wasn't during the last week, but the death (and resurrection) of Lazarus was the straw that broke the camel's back. It is after this that we get to see the council looking for a way to kill Jesus. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, many of the priests were Sadducees and they didn't believe in the resurrection of the body. Here is Jesus, thumbing his nose at them and proving them wrong in the most amazing way. Moreover, this one single act throws a spanner in the works of the world. The ultimate act, the very worst this world can do to us is kill us. It can take our lives, make them miserable and ultimately end them but what does Jesus do? He shows us that there is hope. Death has lost its sting. There is nothing that the world can do to overcome death. Jesus, however, can do everything. He has done everything.


Something I saw yesterday

Posted by Derrick on 12:28 in , ,
Having been back on Twitter for a little while, I have come across a few things that have been interesting. I have been a lot less antagonistic there and am mostly avoiding the traps of getting involved in arguments.

Anyway, yesterday I found a link to a video blog which is called TGI Monday. It involves 4 Anglican ministers (three priests and a lay minister) chatting about questions sent in to them. It was good to see. The talk was very good and they covered a couple of interesting issues. I will keep watching and seeing how they get on.

Here is the link




Posted by Derrick on 14:20
Don't worry, I shan't be making use of hashtags very often. I have no idea if it works or not on here (probably not, it is google after all and if it isn't their idea they're not massive fans I find!) but wanted, instead, to talk about an experience last night.

It has been a difficult couple of weeks. I have been ill. Then the youngest was ill and finally Mrs Christian Man was ill as well. Hadn't been to church for a couple of weeks. Went yesterday but was doing Sunday School so got my teaching and worship in there.

However, over the last 14 months or so, Christians over a huge area (about 180 miles in length I think) have been meeting every so often to have what they call Open Heaven nights. I finally managed to go last night.

Wow! It started with some really good worship time and then people just shared. No planning, just a group of 40 or so of us open to the Spirit. Lots of pictures and lots of good little talks. I remember one about affirmation. Affirmation of the creeds we hold to. I believe in God the Father. I believe in his only begotten son Jesus Christ. I believe in the Virgin Birth, the resurrection of the dead and the coming judgement. We need to do this every day and keep the creed at the heart of our faith.

It was a lovely night. Lots of worship, lots of spirit movement and lots of fellowship. Too many flags for my liking though!

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