It has been a while

Posted by Derrick on 09:44
It has been a while since I posted and I wonder why? This is traditional for me. I get involved in something and then I lose interest. I have also been very busy and that shouldn't be an excuse. I feel a little far from God at the minute. Even thinking of the question 'who moved?' makes me cringe given that it once came from someone whom I no longer count as a friend. Church is difficult to get to, Bible reading is non existent and I just cannot seem to hear God. I am very stressed about work and the whole moving thing. It seems that civil servants are not the best people in the world to keep me stress free. However, this morning, for the first time in a while I felt led to read the Bible. I am trying to use a one year Bible and this morning's readings included Psalm 34. Now this is a psalm which I don't know well apart from verse 8. Taste and See that the Lord is good. This is a verse that helped bring me back to God once before. At the height of my rebellion against Him, I tried Spring Harvest again but wasn't really in the mood. I thought I would read the Bible one last time and amazingly there was nothing. Not a jot of inspiration. Zip. Nada. Zilch. I went back into the camp and went to the loo. There I put my Bible on the side to wash my hands and dropped the Bible. Out fell a note with 'Taste and see that the Lord is good' on it and I knew that I should go back to the worship and let God work in His own time. What a wonderful thing that was. Never have I felt so close to God, never have I known His love and forgiveness so much as then. So I feel better this morning. I feel that trusting God may work and that housegroup tonight will be something special. I can even cope with hobbling around because I lost the heel from one of my shoes on the way to work this morning ...

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