Hiding our faith

Posted by Derrick on 11:51
On twitter the other day, I came across this story


I was very surprised to say the least. now, as I expected, it is a little hyperbolic and nobody seems to be able to point to actual evidence that vicars have been warned about not wearing dog collars, but it got me thinking.

After the dreadful attack by those muslim terrorists on the priest in France, there was understandable concern. The problem is though, that the gospel commands us to be a bright city on a hill. We don't have a choice and we cannot stay silent.

As someone who has had a call from God to be a priest I suspect most dog collar wearing vicars would ignore such advice and go about their days doing what God has called them to do. The same goes for us who are not priests. There should be no shame in being a believer in Christ. There should be no question of us closing our doors to people to keep the body of Christ safe.

Christianity is not safe, ask our brothers and sisters in North Korea! Of course we need to take precautions but when the worshipers of a false god come and ask if we are Christians, we should look them in the eye and say that yes we are.

Denial of who we are in Christ is the worst thing we can do sometimes. That includes in the face of murderers as well as in more 'normal' circumstances. Day to day interactions with others may not make us a martyr but when someone asks what we did at the weekend, how often is 'went to church' the answer?

I am trying to do it more and more and I need the grace of God to help me but I really hope I can always proclaim, when asked, that I am a believer in the risen Jesus.


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