Continuing life in the Highlands

Posted by Derrick on 16:22 in
Once more, I find myself thinking about life here in the Highlands. I still feel that it is exactly what God wanted for me and my family. His hand has been so evident on everything. There have been a few little set-backs for us, particularly financial ones but we have coped and God has provided. I would guess that they are teaching me a few lessons and I think that can only be good for me. Bible reading has tailed off a bit these last couple of weeks but I will try a little harder. I'd like to find the time to do some more Bible study writing. I enjoyed the ones I did on Philippians and Revelation. I just wish I was more organised and could find the others that I have written questions for. Particularly Daniel and Micah. I still miss the music that I used to get in church 'down south'. Praising God is so much easier for me with music there. I often find myself in the morning on the way to work listening to some cracking worship music and on a couple of occasions I have been so tempted to sing out loud whilst listening to the iPhone. Perhaps this week I shall give in to the temptation. Things are getting better with my least favourite thorn too I would say. I still have many others but I am pushing on to become that new creation God has promised ...


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