The Christian Horse

Posted by Derrick on 15:01
The Christian journey is a race according to St Paul. We need to keep running the race and heading towards our goal (Phil 3:14). This is something which for me (note the blog is not called musings of a thin Christian Man) is difficult. Even if I were not being flippant this would be difficult. I sometimes lose sight of the goal and think that it is difficult to see what is ahead.

What we need to do is to have faith that God will guide us to our goal. According to Hebrews 11:1    'faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see'. We can have assurance in what we know and believe and we can have confidence in it too. Faith does not mean ignoring the world and ignoring what is in front of us. It's not an excuse to put our heads in the sand. Rather faith is like a set of blinkers that you see on horses. Having faith in God can help us to focus on him. A horse who wears blinders is not blind, they are just much less easily distracted.

Next time you feel that your faith is lacking or next time someone tells you that faith is ridiculous, put your blinders on and focus on God. He is well worth looking at and will help you to ignore the distractions.

p.s. An interesting thought was once given to me. The test of faith comes not from .the amount you have but from the quality of the thing in which you have faith. Huge amounts of faith in thin ice will still see you fall into the water. A tiny amount of faith in think ice and you are safe to walk on the water. The qualities of God will reward the tiniest amount of faith


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