Another visit from the JWs

Posted by Derrick on 20:44
Today, not only on a Sunday but during the football(!) we had another visit from the JWs. This time, they wanted to have us visit Glasgow to go to a conference that they were inviting everyone to. I was quite annoyed really. I didn't debate with them and I didn't waste too much time (we were only one up at that point and I wasn't too sure we would win). I had read earlier in the day a verse which made me think more about them Romans 9:5 Romans 9:5 New International Version (NIV) 5 Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised![a] Amen. Romans 9:5 New Century Version (NCV) 5 They are the descendants of our great ancestors, and they are the earthly family into which Christ was born, who is God over all. Praise him forever![a] Amen. I wonder what the heretical New World Translation would say. I shall have to ask them when they inevitably come back to our door ...


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