The simple things

Posted by Derrick on 19:36
For the last couple of weeks, my wife's parents have been visiting. They come all the way to Scotland a couple of times a year. I enjoy their visits (who wouldn't enjoy a chance to have two house guests who do the dishes, tidy up and do their fair share of the cooking!). They are both Christians and shining examples of what it is to be a Christian at that.

It is always good for my lovely wife too. She gets to spend time with family members and she gets company in the day when I am away and our eldest is at school. We are a bigger family and we reap the benefits of this every day they're here.

Tonight, for example, the grandparents are busy playing with our youngest. He is showing bampa all his cars and telling tales! Banny is making a cup of tea and tidying up. My wife and daughter are sitting at the dining table colouring in together and I am writing this. We are all listening to some praise music and we are having a great time.

It is at times like this that I truly feel blessed. Family time like this is truly one of my thin places. God feels closest to us when we are loving and kind to each other. It is especially true when we have had a hard day up to this nice time.

Today was very hard for me. I had a very upsetting experience at work today. I won't share the details of it here, those of you who know what I do will know what it probably relates to. My job is not normally given to upsetting experiences but when it is they are truly awful. It was my turn to pick our daughter up from school today as she had youth club. As is normal in Fort William it was absolutely chucking it down with rain but I didn't mind because I enjoy picking her up. For me, being a dad, is part of my worship. It is my real job. It is what God has entrusted me with and it is the thing I enjoy most.

Having had my in-laws here has been great. I will miss them when they leave in a couple of days. Their presence has elevated our days and made our simple things a little easier. I am praying that the simple things continue when they are gone and that we keep having such a great time.


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