Death of a once great church

Posted by Derrick on 14:20
I am an Anglican. I have been confirmed and I have been a communicant member of that church for all of my life as a Christian. I love the Anglican liturgy and the core principles. However, this once great church is dying on its feet. Numbers are down and the church seems to be making decision after decision that is just plain wrong.

Last year the big brouhaha was all about women bishops. As if Bishops are even Biblical! When they did get them, they were, inevitably, fast-tracked into the House of Lords. The election of  a woman to the role of bishop may indeed be inspired by the Holy Spirit but I suspect that many of the ones being picked these days are picked purely because they are women.

What's driving it even further towards the abyss is, of course, same sex marriage. Now, I have not expressed an opinion here on this blog and nor will I. It isn't a question that excites me or even seems to matter to me. However, the issue dominates all talks about the church so soon enough it may be important.

Look at this

Primates Meeting

You see? Africa will probably stick to the more conservative interpretation of the gospel and that is their right. I guess for many of them, the West telling them how to deal with an issue smacks a little of imperialism. They, understandably, don't like that idea. Perhaps they are a little blinkered in refusing such things. Only God truly knows.

The Anglican church will limp on. It will be a skeleton of its former self and that is a shame. I will miss it but I shall not mourn. It only has itself to blame


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